Seems every person who sell the supplement swear by them, often with fanciful words such as "fountain of youth". Here's one example:
Yes, this guy's talking about a nutritional supplement... something that had to do with hydrolyzed collagen and "custom matrix of special fruits rich in anti-oxidants".
The reality? Contains tiny amounts of super-fruits in a custom blend of juices. Here's the ingredient list off one of their own sales sites:
Note that 60 ml serving (which is like 2 sips), but there is NO EXPLANATION HOW MUCH OF EACH juice. Which may be a violation of Federal Supplement Labeling laws. However, what you need to know is the labeling law requires you to list the stuff by "decreasing weight". In other words, the most plentiful ingredients in this product are apple juice, grape juice, and strawberry juice.
Those you can find cheaply in any supermarket.
So how much are you pay for all the other stuff? And how much are you getting? No idea.
Ever heard of the term "pixie-dusting"?