Wednesday, December 6, 2017

DADA Loop: Data / Analysis / Decision / Action and the MLM mind

How do you make decisions?  It's usually a 4 step process:

1. Gather Data

2. Analyze Data

3. Decide on Action

4. Perform the action

This is pretty obvious to most people. Military call it the OODA loop, civilians called it DADA loop (data, analysis, decision, action), but it's the same thing.

So how can this loop go wrong?  EVERY one of the four steps can go wrong.
  • One can gather the WRONG data (victim of deception or bad data gathering)
  • One can fail to analyze data objectively (by ignoring good data)
  • One can fail to decide on any action (stalled loop)
  • One can fail to perform the action correctly.

Let's see how MLMer reacts to these steps.