If you were a victim of Phil Ming Xu's ponzi scheme WCM777 and its related entities, you need to gather up your paperwork ASAP and file a claim before December 24th, 2015.
This is the URL of the receiver’s site: http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/
This is the URL of the site to file claims: https://www.wcm777claimsprocessing.com/en/Home/Filing
Among the defendant companies, affiliated entities or receivership entities are World Capital Market, Inc.; WCM777, Inc.; WCM777 Ltd (d/b/a WCM777 Enterprises, Inc.); Kingdom Capital Market, LLC; Manna Holding Group, LLC; Manna Source International, Inc.; WCM Resources, Inc.; To Pacific, Inc.; and ToPacific, Inc.
You do not need a lawyer, but you do need to be online and have paperwork ready, and ability to use an English website and follow instructions.
Any delay in filing a claim may result in you not getting any compensation from this fraud.
UPDATE: After a motion filed by the receiver and agreement by the judge, the deadline has been extended to December 24th, 2015.
Now you have NO excuse not to file if you are a victim.