Friday, May 16, 2014

TelexFree News Update 16-MAY-2014: Merrill will stay in jail for now; No News on Wanzeler; Possible Reload Scam Charged

According to Boston Globe, James Merrill was remanded into custody of DOJ after spending several days in a Federal facility in Rhode Island. At the bail hearing, Merrill's lawyer and wife affirmed their opinion that Merrill was not a flight risk and they are willing to sign over the deed of their house as security bond. On the other hand, DOJ lawyers stated that this may be the largest Ponzi scheme DOJ had ever charged in terms of possible victims and they simply can't take the risk should Merrill bolt (like a rabbit).

The judge has continued the case until Tuesday. Merrill will remain in Federal custody until then.

There currently is no further news on the Wanzeler or the other alleged co-conspirators, after Wanzeler's wife Katia Wanzeler was taken into custody... at JFK Airport (New York) with 4 suitcases (full?) and 3000 in cash... and a one-way ticket to Rio de Jainero, Brazil purchased for her FROM Brazil... who paid cash.  She's being held as material witness... without bail, as she's considered a flight risk.

And it's already reported here that Wings Network, which "voluntarily shut down", was charged next day by Massachusetts SecState Bill Galvin as a possible reload scam following TelexFree. In a press release, Galvin stated that his investigators are now aware of a group of promoters and scams that targets the same group of victims over and over, and he will likely investigate even deeper to protect the citizens of the commonwealth of Massachusetts.

And the following is a public service announcement from the SEC and MLMSkeptic in Spanish
Washington, D.C., Abril 17, 2014 — La Comisión de Valores y Bolsa de Comercio (SEC) anunció hoy que el martes presentó cargos en contra de los operadores con sede en Massachusetts de un gran esquema piramidal que estaba dirigido principalmente a inmigrantes brasileros y dominicanos en los EEUU. Estos cargos se presentaron formalmente, en conexión con la solicitud de la Comisión por un congelamiento inmediato de activos. Dicho congelamiento de activos, que el Tribunal de Distrito de los EEUU en Boston ordenó el miércoles, aseguró millones de dólares de fondos e impidió la disipación potencial de activos de inversionistas. Luego de que el personal de la SEC implementó el congelamiento de activos, el tribunal quitó el sello hoy a solicitud de la SEC, permitiendo el anuncio público de los cargos de la SEC.
Si quieres leer todo el articulo, por favor click aqui:  Ha habido muchas mentiras dichas por los partidarios de la TelexFree. Lea la evidencia de que la SEC tiene y luego decidir quién está mintiendo.

And the same message, again, in Portuguese, from SEC and MLMSkeptic:
Washington, D.C., Abril 17, 2014 — A Comissão De Valores Mobiliários anunciou hoje que na terça-feira que apresentou acusações contra os operadores baseados em Massachusetts de um grande esquema de pirâmide direcionados principalmente os imigrantes dominicanos e brasileiros nos EUA. As acusações foram arquivadas sob sigilo, em conexão com o pedido da Comissão para um congelamento imediato de bens. Esse congelamento de bens, que o Tribunal Distrital dos EUA em Boston ordenou na quarta-feira, garantiu milhões de dólares de fundos e impediu a dissipação potencial dos ativos de investidores. Após a equipe da SEC ter implementado o congelamento de bens, a pedido da SEC o tribunal levantou o sigilo hoje, permitindo o anúncio público das acusações da SEC.
Se você quiser continuar lendo, clique aqui:  Houve muitas mentiras faladas por partidários do Telexfree. Leia a evidência de que a SEC tem e, em seguida, decidir quem está mentindo para você.

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