Monday, May 27, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Amway India Chairman and 2 directors arrested in India for "financial irregularities"

Breaking news from India: Amway India Chairman and CEO William Pinckney and 2 directors have been arrested by Kerala, India police for financial irregularities.

Previously several Amway IBOs in India have reported to police in 2012, filing "FIRs" (initial crime complaints) prompting further investigations. Amway have cooperated fully with the investigation, according to their official statement, and the 3 people here have even been interviewed by police. They were asked to come down to the station for another chat, and was arrested and taken into custody when they arrived.

India is in the midst of a total MLM reform in trying to control the the spread of economic crimes such as Ponzi schemes, Pyramid schemes, and hybrid schemes, by fully redefining the rules. A flood of such schemes in recent years, such as TVI Express, SpeakAsia, and even emu farm and goat farm ponzis have fleeced tens of thousands of people.

Thanks to the tip on

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