Wednesday, January 8, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Is WCM777 / Kingdom 777 going to be banned in Brazil?

TelexFree seem to be focusing all the attention of Brazilenos nowadays, it's rather interesting that some OTHER scam got mentioned along with TelexFree... But it did... via an official press release on the Ministry's website, issued by Prosecutor's Office of Consumer Protection:

And here's the automatic Google translation (click on link above to read original Portuguese)
On the same occasion, in view of the fact that news reached the public prosecution brought by people who invested in financial pyramids by foreign websites and does not receive any promised amount, especially by Chinese website, which has no relationship with the Ympactus , it is good to clarify, investors should be aware that standard does not exist on the cyberspace, and that there are only a few tried allowing the process tramite the Brazilian courts without prejudice to the foreign investors seek justice in the case, the Chinese with all the difficulties that this represents. These legal issues should serve to alert everyone of the risks they run.
Is there some OTHER Chinese website offering financial pyramid that's heavily promoted by Brazilenos?

Nope, this can only be Ming Xu's WCM777, i.e. Kingdom 777

There's a couple more countries in South America though...  They've only been outlawed in 3 so far...

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