Monday, January 20, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: SpeakAsia head Manoj Kumar Sharma found dying in Singapore Hospital

IDG relayed an article from Singapore... Apparently Manoj Kumar Sharma, head of Speak Asia, and fugitive from India, is dying in a Singapore hospital, and contacted a writer, and want his story to be told in another book by the author. 

The author instead published the article, where he tried to balance MKS's view (I did nothing wrong, they just don't understand my business) and what did the Indian authorities do (it's a Ponzi scheme). 

For those of you who are already convinced that you're on the right side, this is not going to change any minds, but rather, simply add fuel to your side of the story. Neither side (MKS, or EOW) had revealed all their cards. 

So read it, for what it's worth. And read all the footnotes too.
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