Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rippln was ripped a new one by scambuster "Salty Droid"

Patrick Stewart as Locutus, the assimilated Je...
Patrick Stewart as Locutus,
the assimilated Jean-Luc Picard
The "internet marketing" scamworld hype machine
wants you to join them... and make more of them.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Famous (infamous?) Scambuster "Salty Droid", who helped The Verge do an article on "Scamworld", has weighed in with his opinion on Rippln (warning: salty language at the link)

His conclusion is direct: it's a scam, involving the same scamworld players.

Russell Brunson had been on his radar for years, and Anthony Morrison was in the Verge article pitching products about internet scamming (marketing) that teaches internet scamming (marketing) made by internet scammers (marketers) to would-be internet scammers (marketers).

It's almost like the Borg, where "you will be assimilated".

Can you guess what Russell Brunson and Anthony Morrison were talking about recently? And posted their video online? Rippln, of course.

Previously Russell Brunson was doing buddy talks with Jonathan Budd and Brian Underwood, both of whom are co-founders of Rippln (along with one or two other silent partners).

All this marketing buzz is about an app that doesn't even exist yet. (the only app in Google Playstore about Rippln is a fake app put up by someone else)

And they keep talking about 500K people have joined, as if that somehow makes their app real. It's bandwagon fallacy.

Yet "the Rippln Revolution" supposedly "doesn't settle for negativity of any kind".

Remember the Borg?  "Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant.

Self-Denial and self-deception can be a meme folks... a mental sickness, and in this case, it is transmittable. Like Borg nano-probes.

Don't catch something like that. You won't like the result.

LAST SECOND UPDATE: Apparently Rippln wants you to go to Las Vegas, AND pay them $9.50 just to hear them tell you how they'll pay you, in an event they call "Rippln Huddle". THIS WEEKEND.

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  1. Okay, call it a scam if people are paying and not getting what they pay for...but you cannot do that until someone actually pays something. Why not just wait until rollout and then we will see.

    Look, if it a scam, the Feds would be all over it...but to date with over 710,000 signups within first 45 days...no feds yet.

    Okay, I get why the big boys are running scared and the envious are chewing away...but why spit out unproven nonsense? I read, heard and listened to both sides of the story and so far, the scammer criers are blowing smoke. Why? Are you being paid off or hoping to leverage somehow?

    1. It's not a scam... YET.

      It's vaporware. It has delivered NOTHING except empty promises. Heck, even you said "wait until rollout".

      What's unproven nonsense? Everything I wrote about the founders are absolutely true. They have unpleasant histories, they hide what Rippln's really about, and so on and so forth.

      Your random accusation "are you being paid off" only serves to prove that you're prone to conspiracies. You are an IDEAL candidate for MLM. congratulations, even though you probably won't admit Rippln is MLM.

      Wait until rollout. :)

  2. Seriously. Why do these people always seem like they are in a cult? Right now, I can't get these "Wake Up Now" MLM sheep off my ankles. At some point, they are offering nothing but harassment.

    1. MLM companies are commercial cults. They fit the definition of cult, according to cult expert Steven Hassan. The belief is about prosperity and money.

      "sometimes these [MLM] schemes employ the same mind control techniques that abusive cults use. Recruitment rallies may run till early hours of the morning; the schemes are presented as the "last best hope." Critics and doubters are cast "losers" and "dream stealers." In this way, Amway's recruiting organizations (as well as other, similar MLM schemes), can themselves be considered destructive cult groups. But these groups are commercial cults that are offering a type of transcendental ideology that is not much different from that found among the religious cults. Their salvation lies ns a financial promise."

